Saturday, January 28, 2012

dorm Cooking

Thursdays ~ Dorm night !  WE are really enjoying our time on Thursday nights with the guys at HBR dorm.  It has been a pleasure getting to know them and their parents as they come for a visit.  During study hours Rob helps the guys with homework if they need it and I usually bake and prep lunches for the next morning.  Last night I had some help from mom that was there visiting  her son for the week.  We baked about a 150 muffins, with crazy amounts of flour & butter~~  so glad they have a super huge mixer!  The guys had some for a snack after their homework,  some went with the wrestling team for their away match in Italy and the rest for Saturday morning breakfast.  I really must bring my camera next time !

1 comment:

  1. Do take pictures! I never got to do HBR night with you - I want to see!
