Thursday, October 28, 2010

Short Term Mission Trip

October is one of the busiest months for me at my portrait studio, but luckily Jackie is wonderful at running the studio.   I went on a short term mission trip back to Germany.  I went to photograph grades 1-12 along with the staff~ for their always amazing yearbook.  The Lord blessed us with no rain just a bit of fog ~ and for Kandern that was super it seems to rain, more often than not.  The rain started after my last senior portrait ! pheww!!
I photographed each senior outside in town and the neighboring towns.  It was alot of running, but we had an amazing time filled with laughter, guitar playing, cello playing, hiking in the woods, hiking down the train tracks  and all over!  It was a great  to have Jonathan Griesse helping with the reflector, as we did everything with available light.  Thanks Jonathan!
It was a pleasure to share the gift of photography that the Lord has given me.

Here is a short video of the senoirs from BFA.