Saturday, January 28, 2012

dorm Cooking

Thursdays ~ Dorm night !  WE are really enjoying our time on Thursday nights with the guys at HBR dorm.  It has been a pleasure getting to know them and their parents as they come for a visit.  During study hours Rob helps the guys with homework if they need it and I usually bake and prep lunches for the next morning.  Last night I had some help from mom that was there visiting  her son for the week.  We baked about a 150 muffins, with crazy amounts of flour & butter~~  so glad they have a super huge mixer!  The guys had some for a snack after their homework,  some went with the wrestling team for their away match in Italy and the rest for Saturday morning breakfast.  I really must bring my camera next time !

Photo Class

This semester I am teaching a photography class at the middle school and here is a photograph of our class.  Take note of the sunny day, very very rare this time of year.   We worked on an assignment and enjoyed the sun !  ( this is the middle school in the background )

Striking a pose.

                                                            Having fun in the SUN !

                                                          Checking out some images.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Guten Morgan,

Please say a prayer or two for the boys Wrestling team, as they head out today for a match 10 hours away in Italy.  It seems there is a truckers strike against rising fuel prices and economic reform.  Please pray for  safety as they travel and for the strike to end. As this affects so many people in Italy.  Many roads are blocked, gas stations out of fuel and markets without food.     They will be traveling to a US base so I believe once they are they there gas will be available.  Andrew is on the team ~ Thank you,  worried mom