Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Blessed by Liberty


From Deember 14 - 23, 2012, BFA was blessed by a work team from Liberty University. Forrest, Walter, Tirian, Tim, Daniel, Josh, Benjamin, JC and Noah came and worked hard for 9 days straight. As you can see from the pictures, these men came to help us with our network infrastructure. The were blessed by many in our community who kept them well feed, so that they could keep on working! We hope that this is the first of at least 3 different visits as we seek to build on this partnership with the School of Engineering. Thank you gentlemen for your desire to serve the Lord through giving of your time over Christmas break to serve the staff and families of Black Forest Academy.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool mission project! I'm sure they'll complete the 2 other visits - who could resist a return to Kandern? :)
